Just a Little Game.... Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters are (c)to SEGA. Teila Fox,Daisy Kitty,and Tamia- Chan Echidna are (c) to Allison M. (NOTE:THIS TAKES PLACE ONE DAY AFTER A NORMAL DAY ADVENTURE.) Let da show beginz!!^^ -------------------------------------------- Amy Rose was happily walking down the side-walk with a plastic bag in her hand.Everyone was throwing Sonic a surprise party.It was ok that his birthday past yesterday to them.Tails managed to get Sonic out of his rather large apartment and told him he can come back at 5:30pm. Everyone brought some things to the party.Tails and Knuckles were bringing the cake,Teila and Daisy were bringing the decorations, Tamia-Chan was bringing the chips,and Amy was bringing the drinks. While Amy was making her way to the party her thoughts trailed off about what happened last night.Sonic finally admitted his love to Amy and they could could be happier.Amy smiled at this thought of Sonic as her boy-friend now.Her thoughts broke when she almost missed the elevator for Sonic's floor.When she got in she pressed the number of Sonic's floor and waited patiently for the elevator to stop.Finally,it did.She started to look for Sonic's apartment number and finally found it.She walked up to the door and knocked on it. "Who is it?"she heard a muffled yet reconizable voice. "Hi Tails!It's Amy!I got the drinks!"Amy said. "Oh hi!Come on in."Tails open the door and let Amy in. Amy looked in awe at what they done to the place.It was beautifully decorated with blue,red,and gold streamers across the wall.There was also blue balloons tied to things.At a corner was all the chips with the presents below it and the cake was nowhere to be seen. "Hey where's the cake?I thought you and Knuckles were bringing that." Amy questioned. Knuckles came walking towards them."Oh don't worry about that.We hid it somewhere so Sonic can't see it." "Hey Amy!" Amy turned to the voice to see Teila Fox walking up to her. "Oh hi Teila!"Amy said happily."I like what you and Daisy done with the place!Where is Daisy anyway?" "She's over there talkin' wit' T.C.We're tryin' ta figure out a party game we could play." "Can I help?"Amy asked. "Sure!"Teila said."Da more da betta!" Amy set down the drinks at the food table and walked over with Teila. "Hi Amy."Tamia-Chan Echidna(AKA T.C.) and Daisy Kitty said in unison. "Hi."Amy greeted."Did you guys think of anything yet?" "Nadda."Daisy said. "We can't seem to think of anything."T.C. stated. "Why can't this be easy?"Teila said to herself. Amy started to think.After a while a grin appeared on her face."Girls, I think I got it...." "What is it?"They all said in unison. "I don't want Tails and Knux to hear,come 'ere."Amy whispered. r They all huddled up so they could here,eager to hear Amy's idea . "Can somebody say,truth or dare?"Amy said grinning. "Amy,you're a genius."Teila said."That's perfect!It'll be fun." "I'm for it."T.C. said happily. "Me too!"Daisy said in the same tone as T.C. "Then it's settled.But the guys don't have to know...until we play it." Amy said. ------------------------- "Hey guys!Sonic's gonna be here in 5 minutes!"Knuckles shouted. "Is everything ready?"Tails asked. "Yup."Everyone said. "Who's gonna escort 'im?"Teila said. "I will."Amy said.She went out the door. "Everyone!Hide!Someone turn the lights out!"Daisy shouted. Tails and Knuckles ran to the kitchen where the cake was,Teila was behind the couch along with T.C.,and Daisy went under the table.Before Teila went to the couch she turned the lights out. --------------------------- As Amy was waiting next to the lobby door when she saw a blue blur outside.She saw it screech to a halt and form into her speedy blue boy-friend Sonic. "Hey Sonic!!"Amy shouted to him waving her hand. "Huh?"Sonic said turning his head around to see Amy right in front of him. "Woah!Hi Amy!Whatcha doin' here?"Sonic said happily. "Oh just hangin' out.Can I come with you?I have nothin' else to do today.Please?" "How can I resist a cute face like yours.Of course!I was just goin' to my apartment anyway." "Thank you!"Amy kissed Sonic on the cheek and locked arms with Sonic. "Hehe.Let's go!"Sonic said walking off to the elevators with Amy. ----- ------------------- When Sonic and Amy reached his apartment door Sonic unlocked his arm from Amy and dug his left two fingers in his gloved right hand. "Aha.Here it is."Sonic said pulling out his keys. "Well that's a good way to keep track of them."Amy laughed. "As long as I can find 'em."Sonic smirked as he unlocked the door and pulled it open. ----------------------------- When they got in it was pitch black.Only their emerald-green eyes can be seen. "Hey where's the switch?"Sonic said rummaging around. Sonic could've swore he heard giggling. "Didja hear that?I thought I heard someone."Sonic said. "Nah,it's just your imagination.Hey I found the switch."Amy said flipping it on. ---------------------------- Everyone jumped of their hiding spots. "SURPRISE!!"Everyone shouted. "Say what?For me?"Sonic asked shocked. "Of course silly!Who else?"Amy said poking Sonic on the cheek. "Thanks guys."Sonic said smiling "I'm givin' my birth-day punches."Knuckles said grinning. "Haha.Very funny Knux."Sonic smirked. "Let's bring out the cake!"Daisy said. "I'm all for that!"T.C. said. Tails and Knuckles went to the kitchen to bring out the cake.The cake was beautifully decorated with light-blue icing and chocolate insides. On top was 17 red blue,and gold candles. "Wow!Nice cake!" "Happy Birthday Sonic!"Everyone cheered. "You mean 'late' birthday."Tails stated. "Make a wish and blow out the candles!"Amy said ."Hmmm..."Sonic said out loud. Then Sonic came up with a wish. 'I wish there would be peace on Mobius.'Sonic thought and then blew out the candles. "Whaddya wish for?"T.C. asked. "Now if I told ya it wouldn't come true now would it?"Sonic smirked. They all ate the cake with some of it left over. "That was good."Sonic said."On to the presents!" "I already gave mine yesterday."Amy said smiling at Sonic. "And I loved it."Sonic smiled back. "Are they gonna get mushy or somethin'?"Teila asked Tails. "I hope not.I just ate!"Tails said. Sonic and Amy broke into a blush. "Open my present first you're gonna love it!"Knuckles said. Sonic dug into the pile of present and eventually found Knuckles' present.It was wrapped in yellow paper with blue ribbon. "Hmmm,intresting."Sonic said looking at it. He opened it up to to see a metallic-blue walk-man with head-phones. "Cool!A new walk-man!Thanks Knux!"Sonic said. "No problem man.Least I could do for helping me get back the emeralds." Knuckles said. "Let's see,I already got Tails' and Teila's present....(See A Normal Day Adventure)"Sonic said. "Open mine Sonic!"Daisy said. Sonic looked in the presents to find an envelope with "To Sonic From Daisy.Happy Birthday!"written on it.He opened it up to see a certificate. "A certificate worth 25 dollars to the Music Store."(I couldn't thinkz of a name!^^)Sonic read from the paper. "Cool!I was gonna go there this week anyway!Thanks Daisy!" "You're welcome."Daisy said smiling. "And lastly,mine!"T.C. "It's not the best one,but at least it's something." Sonic picked up the last present and opened it. It was a book with no writing in it and had a dark-blue cover. "It's a journal." T.C. started."You can write down your thoughts in it or anything else." "Thanks T.C."Sonic said smiling. "Anytime."T.C. said. "Hey guys let's play a party game!"Amy said grinning. "Yeah!"All the girls said. "Okay.But what?"Tails asked. All the girls put evil smiles on their faces. "Oh just a little game of .....Truth or Dare!"Amy said said smirking. "Da game of all games!"Teila said. "Hmmm."Sonic,Tails and Knuckles said together. "Whaddya think Sonic?"Tails asked his best friend. Sonic shrugged."Eh,why not?" "Yes!"The girls said. -------------------------------------- Everyone sat in a circle on the floor.It started with Sonic,then Amy, Tails,Teila,Daisy,T.C., and then Knuckles. "Sonic gets to start first since it's his party."Amy said. "Okay.I'm starting from my right side.Amy,truth or dare?"Sonic questioned. "Uh... truth." "Is it true that ....you're afraid of dogs?" "....Yes,it's true.I dunno why.Just do." "That's ok."Sonic reassured Amy."Your turn." "Okay,Tails,truth or dare?" "Dare!"Tails said. "I dare you to kiss Teila!On the lips for 20 seconds!Hehehe!" "Huh?"Tails and Teila said at the same time. "You heard me!Can't turn back now!" "Oh..fine."Tails said as he got up along with Teila who was by now blushing. "Pucker up you two."Knuckles said laughing. Tails and Teila neared each other.They closed their eyes as their lips touched.Tails thought he was flying.When they broke off,they stared into each other's eyes.Then at the same time they looked away blushing.Everyone began to laugh. "Alright."Amy said wiping a tear from her eye."Your go Tails." "Teila,truth or um...dare?'' "Uh.....truth." "Why don't you like root beer?" Teila made a face."Ewww!I just don't like da way it tastes!Da stuff is gross!" "Hehehe.Okay." Teila turned to Daisy, "Truth or dare D?" "Truth." "Is there anybody you like in this room?" Everyone stared at Daisy,waiting for her answer.Finally,she said something. "No"Daisy said shaking her head. "Then who?"Teila questioned. "I can't tell." "Why?" "I don't know who he is...yet." "Ok."Teila said. "T.C.,truth or dare?"Daisy asked. "Dare." "Hmmm.."Daisy thought."I dare you to...do Sonic's quills!" "Say what?"Sonic said. "Cool!Come here Sonic..."T.C. said. "Also,"Daisy said giggling."All the girls can help her!" "Hey that ain't right!I'm cornered!"Sonic said obviously trying to get out of this. "Come here Sonic..."T.C. repeated.This time with the girls surrounding him. "Hey Knux,Tails,aren't you gonna help me?"Sonic pleaded. "We can't.Daisy didn't say."Tails said giggling. "Besides,this looks amusing."Knuckles added. The girls started to come closer to Sonic who was trying to figure a way out of this.He moved backwards as they cornered him to a wall.T.C. took out a black tie from her pocket. "Hey Amy,stun 'im for a sec?"T.C. asked Amy. "With pleasure."Amy said innocently. She leaned close to Sonic and kissed him strait on the lips.This momentarily stunned Sonic.It was just enough time for Teila to grab his right hand,Daisy to grab his left hand,T.C. to go behind Sonic to do his quills, and Amy to sit on his lap so he wouldn't move. "Now,hold still...."T.C. said putting her hands in Sonic's quills. Nothing came out of Sonic except the sound of him struggling as the girls blocked Tails and Knuckles view. "Almost done..."T.C. said. "Hurry up!It's gettin' hard ta hold 'im!"Teila yelled. "And...done!It looks cute!" All the girls took a step back and laughed. Tails and Knuckles moved up to see what they did to him.Soon enough, they began to laugh.Sonic was sitting on the floor like everyone else. He was sitting indian-style with his arms crossed.He had two pieces on each side of his head reaching up to his elbow, a black tie to tie up most of his quills,and he had some hanging down on the back.And since his quills were pretty long it looked hilarious. "Very funny.I'll go see myself." Sonic walked to his bathroom, clenching his fists at his sides.A second later they heard a scream.They began to laugh louder this time. One minute later Sonic came back out with his quills once again his normal style slicked back in all it's glory. "Ah..much better."Sonic said with satisfactory as one of his hands went through his quills. The others stared in shock. "How did you do that so fast?"Daisy asked astounded. "I know you're fast an' all,but this?"Teila said. Sonic just grinned."Whyddya think my name is Sonic?Anyway,who's turn?" "Uh..it was T.C. doing Knuckles."Amy responded. "Ok."T.C. said."Truth or dare Knux?" "Truth."Knuckles said. "Is it true you were the one who made the holes on the side of that building?" "Yeah.."Knuckles said blushing. "Ok Knux,it's your turn." "Ok,truth or dare Sonic?"Knuckles said smirking. "Dare.Gimme you best shot!"Sonic said bravely. * You shouldn't have said that...*Knuckles thought. "I dare you to kiss Amy long enough to beat Tails and Teila's record! Does anyone here have a watch?" "I do!"Teila said holding up her stop watch. "Ok.I need to time them to make sure it's longer than 20 seconds. "Knuckles said. "Absolutely fine by me!"Amy said happily. "Ok,whatever ya say.."Sonic said grinning.In one swift movement he got up,picked up Amy,and kissed her straight on the lips.Amy threw her arms around Sonic's neck and kissed back.Everyone was just staring except Knuckles who was watching the watch and glancing up once in a while. Finally,Sonic and Amy broke off.Knuckles stopped the watch. "One minute and six seconds!"Knuckles said. "Cool.I didn't know I can go that long!" Sonic said astounded. "Heehee,me neither!"Amy said giggling. -------------------------------------------- It was late now and everyone was getting ready to leave. "I better get going.The island has to be guarded."Knuckles said. He walked out the door saying bye. "Me too.I got some planes to build!"Tails said walking out the door. "It's gettin' late and I have to go."T.C. said."Bye!" "Bye!"Daisy said as she and T.C. walked out as well. Now only Sonic and Amy were alone. "Well Sonikku,didja have fun?"Amy asked sitting on the couch next to Sonic." Oh yeah,tons of it."Sonic said."Thanks for the great party." Amy smiled."Anytime.I just wanna know somethin'." "Yes?" "Can you kiss longer than that?"Amy asked grinning. Sonic smiled."Probably." "Well can ya prove it?"Amy said sitting on Sonic's lap running her hand through his quills." "Very well..."Sonic said kissing Amy once again.He wrapped his arms around her waist. After a couple of minutes,Sonic let go.He helped Amy get up. "I guess I better get goin' too.I love ya Sonikku." "Love ya too Amy." "Bye!"Amy said walking out the door. "Bye!"Sonic said waving at her. He closed his door and sighed.He looked over at his presents where among them was the jornal T.C. gave him.He walked over there and picked it up.He then grabbed a pen,sat on his couch,and began to write. Today was the one of the best days of my life.This party was a lot of fun.I have a feeling Tails and Teila like each other.I defintely know Tails have a crush on Teila,but Teila..I dunno.If they do,they need to say something.Just like Amy and I.Amy is the best girl a hedgehog could ever have.I love her alot.I hope we stay together for a long time. Until next time ~Sonic T. Hedgehog Sonic closed the book slowly and smiled.He would remember this fun day for a long time. ------------------------------------- ~*ThE EnD!*~